Our 2014 Report for weekly water testing is available here :2014 Sample Range Report
The 2014 Sample Report shows the importance of following the boil water advisory as;
21% of tests contain E.Coli
50% of tests contain Coliform bacteria
We are maintaining an ongoing Boil Water Advisory and it will remain in effect until consistent test results are achieved.
The Drinking Water Annual Report is also available for viewing here: 2014 Annual Water Report
Update on Facility Improvements
Hemlock Utility Services has been dedicated to constructing a new Water Treatment Facility since the fall of 2014. This significant investment in the Water System will help us to meet the Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality and deliver potable water to our customers. Construction is complete on the building and we are in the final stages of bringing the facility online. The new facility contains; two levels of filtration to reduce turbidity and contaminates, a UV system to inactivate bacteria, and a continuously monitored reservoir to ensure proper chlorine levels. This state of the art facility will ensure our fresh mountain water is a safe product for everyone to enjoy.
We are expecting to have the Water Treatment Facility in operation and commissioned in the next month. We will keep you informed of developments via this website and send a mailed announcement when our water is deemed potable by Fraser Health.
Excited for the future,
-Mike Duncan